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Find All You Need to Know about Community Finance
With the objective of providing online resources and self-educational materials for Alternative Finance, Altfinator initiated the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) program on Alternative Finance.
Altfinator project will facilitate the transfer of best practices from more advanced to less advanced markets. We will design, develop and implement a capacity-building strategy for the financial ecosystem and its participants in South, Central and Eastern European countries to improve the provision and absorption of alternative finance.
Understand the potential and the risks of investing in Alternative Financing with this investor manual. Tips and tricks are provided for private, institutional and public investors for different forms of Alternative Financing.
The working paper aims to provide an overview of the current context within which the HUB-IN Mission and Vision will be developed and delivered. It explores the current state of play of heritage-led regeneration across Historic Urban Areas throughout Europe, and highlights the role that innovation and entrepreneurship play in the realisation of their sustainable transformation.
Hub-IN 2020 project (Hub of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the Transformation of Historical Urban Areas) aims to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in Historic Urban Areas (HUA), while preserving the unique identity of the historic sites regarding their natural, cultural and social values.