HUB-IN Interview | Talking about Financing the Urban Commons
/in Blog/by Yunuo ZhaoLabGov – the LABoratory for the GOVernance of the City as a Commons – is an international network of theoretical, empirical and applied research platforms engaged in exploring and developing methods, policies, and projects focused on the shared and collaborative management of urban spaces and resources.
HUB-IN Interview | Value, Finance and Ownership of Heritage-led Regeneration by the Citymaker-Fund
/in Blog/by Yunuo ZhaoCitymaker-Fund recognises the difficulties that non-conventional place making projects encounter with securing finance from traditional sources e.g. banks. The fund acts as a ‘matchmaker’ between citymakers/placemakers and investors with an emphasis on projects that contribute to creating a lively and inclusive city by investing in initiatives with a clear social as well as economic return.
HUB-IN Interview | Talking Regenerative Financing at the Triodos Bank
/in Blog/by Yunuo ZhaoThe mission of Triodos Regenerative Money Centre reaches beyond the limits of the current banking system. It operates from a belief that money has three important qualities: to buy, to lend/ invest, and to donate.
The centre encourages the things money can do to benefit society and our planet.
CROWDTHERMAL Conference | Introducing Our Services for Community-Funded Geothermal Projects
/in Blog/by Yunuo ZhaoCROWDTHERMAL is organising a first international conference on 7 April 2022 in a hybrid format, on-site in Madrid and online.
HUB-IN | Financing Model Catalogue for Heritage-Led Regeneration of Historic Urban Areas
/in Blog/by Yunuo ZhaoHUB-IN Places dare to experiment with new financial structures, combining traditional public funding streams with other (private) sources of funding. In creating novel financial structures, HUB-IN cities carefully balance potential shifts in the distribution of power and influence, contributing to their city’s inclusive and sustainable development.
HUB-IN | Business, Financing & Governance Models for Heritage-Led Regeneration
/in Blog/by Yunuo ZhaoHeritage-led regeneration requires financing, suitable business models and good governance. Published in February, 2022, this guide provides readers with business, financing and governance models across Europe. The road ahead lead to HUB-IN places that have ignited innovation and entrepreneurship, while preserving their unique cultural, social and environmental identities and values.
CrowdThermal Webinar | Targeting Accessibility and Co-ownership for Geothermal Projects
/in Blog/by Yunuo ZhaoThis webinar has three focuses: sharing information about local geothermal projects, introducing the alternative ways (crowdfunding) for financing geothermal projects, establishing public participation throughout Europe.
CrowdThermal Project: Concept, Objective and Consortium
/in Blog/by Yunuo ZhaoThe CrowdThermal Project aims to empower the European public to directly participate in the development of geothermal projects with the help of alternative financing schemes (crowdfunding) and social engagement tools.
Employee Ownership | What Opportunities Will It Bring ?
/in Blog/by Yunuo ZhaoEmployee ownership is the process whereby employees are more involved in decision making processes – it is one of the means of employee empowerment. Individual employees show more mental and emotional involvement, their motivation is also improved because employees feel committed and responsible for organisational tasks.